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Schema Layer


The files corresponding to this layer can be found in the Schema directory. The code is to be written in the file Schema.cpp. The declaration for the functions can be found in the header file Schema.h.

The stub code for this layer can be found here.


The SQL-Like queries that alter the schema of the database are converted into a sequence of schema layer function calls by front end. These schema layer function calls processes the basic schema alteration requests to the database.

The functions of Schema layer include:

  1. createRel
  2. deleteRel
  3. renameRel
  4. renameAttr
  5. createIndex
  6. deleteIndex
  7. openRel
  8. closeRel

The method openRel is used to the open a relations for access, closeRel to close a relation and getSchema to get the schema of the relation. NITCbase follows an Object-Oriented design for Schema Layer. The class definition is as shown below:

class Schema

class Schema {
static int createRel(char relName[], int numOfAttributes, char attrNames[][ATTR_SIZE], int attrType[]);
static int deleteRel(char relName[ATTR_SIZE]);
static int createIndex(char relName[ATTR_SIZE], char attrName[ATTR_SIZE]);
static int dropIndex(char relName[ATTR_SIZE], char attrName[ATTR_SIZE]);
static int renameRel(char oldRelName[ATTR_SIZE], char newRelName[ATTR_SIZE]);
static int renameAttr(char relName[ATTR_SIZE], char oldAttrName[ATTR_SIZE], char newAttrName[ATTR_SIZE]);
static int openRel(char relName[ATTR_SIZE]);
static int closeRel(char relName[ATTR_SIZE]);
static int getSchema(char relName[ATTR_SIZE], AttrCatEntry** attributesPtr, int* numAttrsPtr);

Schema :: createRel()


This method creates a new relation with the name, attribute/column list as specified in arguments. Verifying the maximum number of attributes in a relation is to be checked by the caller of this function (Frontend Interface) and is not handled by this function.


relNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation/table to be created
nAttrsintNumber of attributes of the relation to be created
attrschar[][ATTR_SIZE]Names of each attribute of the relation
attrtypeint[]Data type of each attribute, in the same order as the attrs array

Return value

SUCCESSOn successful creation of the relation
E_RELEXISTIf the relation with name relName already exists.
E_DUPLICATEATTRIf two of any two of the given attributes have same name.
E_DISKFULLIf disk space is not sufficient for creating the new relation.
E_MAXRELATIONSIf maximum number of relations possible already exists


int createRel(char relName[],int nAttrs, char attrs[][ATTR_SIZE],int attrtype[]){

// declare variable relNameAsAttribute of type Attribute
// copy the relName into relNameAsAttribute.sVal

// declare a variable targetRelId of type RecId

// Reset the searchIndex using RelCacheTable::resetSearhIndex()
// Search the relation catalog (relId given by the constant RELCAT_RELID)
// for attribute value attribute "RelName" = relNameAsAttribute using
// BlockAccess::linearSearch() with OP = EQ

// if a relation with name `relName` already exists ( linearSearch() does
// not return {-1,-1} )
// return E_RELEXIST;

// compare every pair of attributes of attrNames[] array
// if any attribute names have same string value,
// return E_DUPLICATEATTR (i.e 2 attributes have same value)

/* declare relCatRecord of type Attribute which will be used to store the
record corresponding to the new relation which will be inserted
into relation catalog */
Attribute relCatRecord[RELCAT_NO_ATTRS];
// fill relCatRecord fields as given below
// offset RELCAT_REL_NAME_INDEX: relName
// offset RELCAT_NO_ATTRIBUTES_INDEX: numOfAttributes
// offset RELCAT_NO_SLOTS_PER_BLOCK_INDEX: floor((2016 / (16 * nAttrs + 1)))
// (number of slots is calculated as specified in the physical layer docs)

// retVal = BlockAccess::insert(RELCAT_RELID(=0), relCatRecord);
// if BlockAccess::insert fails return retVal
// (this call could fail if there is no more space in the relation catalog)

// iterate through 0 to numOfAttributes - 1 :
/* declare Attribute attrCatRecord[6] to store the attribute catalog
record corresponding to i'th attribute of the argument passed*/
// (where i is the iterator of the loop)
// fill attrCatRecord fields as given below
// offset ATTRCAT_REL_NAME_INDEX: relName
// offset ATTRCAT_ATTR_NAME_INDEX: attrNames[i]
// offset ATTRCAT_ATTR_TYPE_INDEX: attrTypes[i]

// retVal = BlockAccess::insert(ATTRCAT_RELID(=1), attrCatRecord);
/* if attribute catalog insert fails:
delete the relation by calling deleteRel(targetrel) of schema layer
// (this is necessary because we had already created the
// relation catalog entry which needs to be removed)

// return SUCCESS

Schema :: deleteRel()


This method deletes the relation with name as specified in arguments.


relNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation to be deleted

Return value

SUCCESSOn successful deletion of the relation.
E_RELOPENIf the relation is open.
E_RELNOTEXISTIf the relation does not exist
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf relName is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e., when the user tries to delete the catalogs.


int Schema::deleteRel(char *relName) {
// if the relation to delete is either Relation Catalog or Attribute Catalog,
// (check if the relation names are either "RELATIONCAT" and "ATTRIBUTECAT".
// you may use the following constants: RELCAT_RELNAME and ATTRCAT_RELNAME)

// get the rel-id using appropriate method of OpenRelTable class by
// passing relation name as argument

// if relation is opened in open relation table, return E_RELOPEN

// Call BlockAccess::deleteRelation() with appropriate argument.

// return the value returned by the above deleteRelation() call

/* the only that should be returned from deleteRelation() is E_RELNOTEXIST.
The deleteRelation call may return E_OUTOFBOUND from the call to
loadBlockAndGetBufferPtr, but if your implementation so far has been
correct, it should not reach that point. That error could only occur
if the BlockBuffer was initialized with an invalid block number.

Schema :: createIndex()


This method creates a bplus indexing on an attribute attrName in a relation relName as specified in arguments.


relNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation that contains the attribute to create index on
attrNamechar [ATTR_SIZE]Attribute to create index on

Return value

SUCCESSOn successful creation of B+ tree.
E_RELNOTOPENIf the relation is not open.
E_ATTRNOTEXISTIf the attribute with name attrName does not exist.
E_DISKFULLIf there is no enough space in the disk to create the tree
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf the relName is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e, when the user tries to create an index for catalogs.


int createIndex(char relName[ATTR_SIZE],char attrName[ATTR_SIZE]){
// if the relName is either Relation Catalog or Attribute Catalog,
// (check if the relation names are either "RELATIONCAT" and "ATTRIBUTECAT".
// you may use the following constants: RELCAT_RELNAME and ATTRCAT_RELNAME)

// get the relation's rel-id using OpenRelTable::getRelId() method

// if relation is not open in open relation table, return E_RELNOTOPEN
// (check if the value returned from getRelId function call = E_RELNOTOPEN)

// create a bplus tree using BPlusTree::bPlusCreate() and return the value
return BPlusTree::bPlusCreate(relId, attrName);

Schema :: dropIndex()


This method drops the bplus indexing on an attribute attrName in a relation relName as specified in arguments.


relNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation that contains the attribute to remove index of
attrNamechar [ATTR_SIZE]Attribute to remove index of

Return value

SUCCESSOn successful deletion of the B+ tree
E_RELNOTOPENIf the relation is not open.
E_ATTRNOTEXISTIf the attribute with name attrName does not exist.
E_NOINDEXIf there is no index on the given attribute of the relation


int Schema::dropIndex(char *relName, char *attrName) {
// if the relName is either Relation Catalog or Attribute Catalog,
// (check if the relation names are either "RELATIONCAT" and "ATTRIBUTECAT".
// you may use the following constants: RELCAT_RELNAME and ATTRCAT_RELNAME)

// get the rel-id using OpenRelTable::getRelId()

// if relation is not open in open relation table, return E_RELNOTOPEN
// (check if the value returned from getRelId function call = E_RELNOTOPEN)

// get the attribute catalog entry corresponding to the attribute
// using AttrCacheTable::getAttrCatEntry()

// if getAttrCatEntry() fails, return E_ATTRNOTEXIST

int rootBlock = /* get the root block from attrcat entry */;

if (/* attribute does not have an index (rootBlock = -1) */) {
return E_NOINDEX;

// destroy the bplus tree rooted at rootBlock using BPlusTree::bPlusDestroy()

// set rootBlock = -1 in the attribute cache entry of the attribute using
// AttrCacheTable::setAttrCatEntry()

return SUCCESS;

Schema :: renameRel()


This method changes the relation name of specified relation to new name as specified in arguments.


oldRelNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Old Name of relation of which name has to be changed.
newRelNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]New name for the relation.

Return value

SUCCESSOn successful renaming of the relation
E_RELOPENIf the relation is open.
E_RELNOTEXISTIf the relation with name oldRelName does not exist
E_RELEXISTIf the relation with name newRelName already exists
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf the oldRelName is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e, when the user tries to rename either of the catalogs.


int renameRel(char oldRelName[ATTR_SIZE], char newRelName[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// if the oldRelName or newRelName is either Relation Catalog or Attribute Catalog,
// (check if the relation names are either "RELATIONCAT" and "ATTRIBUTECAT".
// you may use the following constants: RELCAT_RELNAME and ATTRCAT_RELNAME)

// if the relation is open
// (check if OpenRelTable::getRelId() returns E_RELNOTOPEN)
// return E_RELOPEN

// retVal = BlockAccess::renameRelation(oldRelName, newRelName);
// return retVal

Schema :: renameAttr()


This method changes the name of an attribute/column present in a specified relation, to new name as specified in arguments.


relNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation.
oldAttrNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Old Name of attribute.
newAttrNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]New name for attribute.

Return value

SUCCESSOn successful renaming of the attribute
E_RELOPENIf the relation is open.
E_RELNOTEXISTIf the relation with name relName does not exist
E_ATTRNOTEXISTIf the attribute with name oldAttrName does not exist
E_ATTREXISTIf the attribute with name newAttrName already exists
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf the relName is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e, when the user tries to rename any attribute value of either of the catalogs.


int Schema::renameAttr(char *relName, char *oldAttrName, char *newAttrName) {
// if the relName is either Relation Catalog or Attribute Catalog,
// (check if the relation names are either "RELATIONCAT" and "ATTRIBUTECAT".
// you may use the following constants: RELCAT_RELNAME and ATTRCAT_RELNAME)

// if the relation is open
// (check if OpenRelTable::getRelId() returns E_RELNOTOPEN)
// return E_RELOPEN

// Call BlockAccess::renameAttribute with appropriate arguments.

// return the value returned by the above renameAttribute() call

Schema :: openRel()


This method opens the relation specified as name in cache/OpenRelTable.


relNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation to be opened

Return value

SUCCESSOn successful opening of the relation
E_RELNOTEXISTIf the relation with name relName does not exist in the disk
E_CACHEFULLIf there are no free slots in the Open Relation table.


int Schema::openRel(char *relName) {
// Call openRelation method of OpenRelTable by passing appropriate arguments
int relId = OpenRelTable::openRel(relName);

// if relId is valid (>= 0) return SUCCESS
// else return the error

Schema :: closeRel()


This method closes the relation specified as name in cache/OpenRelTable.


relNamechar[ATTR_SIZE]Name of the relation to be closed

Return value

SUCCESSOn successful closing of the relation
E_RELNOTOPENIf relation with given name is not open
E_NOTPERMITTEDIf the relName is either "RELATIONCAT" or "ATTRIBUTECAT". i.e, when the user tries to close either of the catalogs.


int closeRel(char relName[ATTR_SIZE]) {
// if the relName is either Relation Catalog or Attribute Catalog,
// (check if the relation names are either "RELATIONCAT" and "ATTRIBUTECAT".
// you may use the following constants: RELCAT_RELNAME and ATTRCAT_RELNAME)

// get the relation's rel-id using OpenRelTable::getRelationId() method

// if relation is not open in open relation table, return E_RELNOTOPEN
// (check if the value returned from getRelId function call = E_RELNOTOPEN)

// close the relId'th relation using OpenRelTable::closeRelation()
// let the return value be retVal
// return retVal;